Register now: FMRS Stockholm May 4th
The EU Commission has far-reaching proposals on regulating the labor market and corporate governance. There are plans for creating public owned big production plants for e.g. microchips and new regulations of the financial market will affect investments. How do we save the market from the politicians?
Participating in this discussion we have three international guests: Martin Gundinger, Austrian Economics Center and Mitja Steinbacher, Catholic Institute, Ljubljana. From Sweden we have Josefin Malmqvist, member of parliament for the moderate party, Christian Ekström, CEO of the Swedish Tax Payers organization and Gunnar Hökmark, chairman Stockholm Free World Forum and former MEP. Additional names to be confirmed.
Time: May 4 at 6 PM
Place: GT30 Grev Ture, Grev Turegatan 30, Stockholm
Read more about the program and register here.
Anders Ydstedt är styrelseordförande för Svensk Tidskrift