Svensk Tidskrift uppmärksammar #WorldIPDay

Den 26 april varje år uppmärksammas World IP Day för att sätta fokus på vikten av att skydda den intellektuella äganderätten. Svensk Tidskrift skriver tillsammans med 76 andra tankesmedjor och idéorganisationer ett öppet brev från Property Rights Alliance till World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) generaldirektör Francis Gurry.

Svensk Tidskrift har gets ut i olika former under åren, men har burit samma namn i över ett sekel. Det förpliktigar, men skapar också möjligheter, och en till synes oändlig pool av kompetens, erfarenhet och kunskap att ösa ur i form av arkiv, föregångare och vänner.

Ett varumärke är i mångt och mycket ett företag eller en organisations själ. Ett positivt laddat varumärke kan vara värt oändliga summor, medan en skandal för evigt kan fläcka ett märke. Inte konstigt att debatten om möjligheten att skydda och använda dem går hög. Väl formulerad och ordentligt upprätthållen bidrar den intellektuella äganderätten till ökad innovation och stärkt handeln och ekonomi.

Samtidigt har företag och organisationer ett ansvar att anpassa sig sig till en förändrad marknad och nya kommunikationssätt. Att hantera rättigheter till exempelvis TV-serier eller böcker på samma sätt som man alltid gjort när linjära, nationella TV-sändningar i allt högre utsträckning ersätts av on demandtjänster och den lokala bokhandeln av E-böcker på surfplattor är att göra sig själv irrelevant för kunderna. Det må i det läget vara lockande att bygga högre digitala murar och ropa på hårdare lagstiftning, men det är i förlängningen förmodligen lika långsiktigt hållbart som ljusstöparnas uppmaning att tvinga folk att stänga fönsterluckorna mot solen i Bastiats klassiska parodi.

Allt som skapas har ett värde, men vilket värdet är kommersiellt avgörs av marknaden.

Amanda Wollstad är chefredaktör för Svensk Tidskrift

Open Letter to WIPO Director General Francis Gurry

When IPRs are protected, markets are formed that encourage innovators to compete to make the next breakthrough product consumers demand– be it training equipment, a smart sensor, or a new media platform. In this way, athletes and innovative markets are sure to always go faster, stronger, higher! Neither innovation nor sport can exist without enforceable property rights.

IP Rights Boost Trade

It is now the norm for international trade agreements to bolster intellectual property rights. These standard setting arrangements allow the competition that sparks “the fire of genius” to spread across borders. When countries implement strong IP protections included in trade agreements they see greater imports of R&D intensive products, as well as renewed competition from inventors, artists, and entrepreneurs from the global marketplace. It is increasingly imperative that, as firms spend a greater share of revenues on researching and discovering new innovations, that more countries enforce IP protections in order for their economies to avoid being left behind.

IP Rights Grow the Economy

Strong IP protections are vital to creating and maintaining high paying jobs, which are essential to dynamic economic growth. IP-intensive industries are responsible for generating nearly 40 percent of the combined U.S. & EU GDP and employ about 40 percent of the workforce in the U.S. and nearly 28 percent in the EU. That accounts for more than 105 million jobs. Workers in these industries are paid 46 percent more than those employed in comparable jobs in non-IP-intensive industries. In fact, per capita income in countries with robust property rights is 20 times greater than percapita income in countries with weak protections. By far the largest employer in both regions is the trademark-intensive sector which includes sports, retail, real estate, as well as pharmaceuticals, and computer programming industries. This underscores that the global IP-economy is not confined to a few tech hubs, but accessible to all countries that choose to enforce IP rights and allow firms to develop and defend reputational marks.

IP Rights Spur Innovation

For the last eight straight years, world patent applications have continued to break records. An amazing 3.17 million applications were filed in 2017, each one promising to relegate a problem once thought of as impossible to the pages of history. Recent patents include a medicine to treat multiple sclerosis, a method to make batteries more efficient, and even an A.I. based patent that can simulate human debates. IP rights make it possible for firms to invest billions into frontier technologies like A.I. consumer products are available. Such technological progress ensures the next generation will enjoy longer, healthier lives.

IP Rights Fight Fakes

Counterfeiting and piracy continue to plague the world economy. The most recent estimates find global share of counterfeit goods rose from 2.5 percent of global trade to 3.3 percent, or $509 billion, while the cost of online piracy is on its way to reaching $52 billion. These poisoned products not only fund criminal enterprises and damage brand reputations, but cause physical harm to consumers. Counterfeit medicines, for instance, have been linked to disease progression and drug resistance.

The UN Can Help Protect IP

The United Nations plays an important role in guarding the global innovation ecosystem that propels humanity forward. IP rights are discussed across many UN agencies that deal with matters of human rights, global health, and development. Regretfully, IP rights are sometimes attacked in UN bodies, where we have seen shortsighted proposals to undermine IP rights in order to achieve other goals. We regret that there is not a broader understanding in UN agencies of the well-documented role of intellectual property in driving health, invention, and prosperity around the world.

We, therefore, urge WIPO to do more to help inform international debates and ensure that the voices of innovation are heard at every level. We call on WIPO to take action, namely to:

1) step up efforts to educate policymakers about the ways that IP enhances economic growth and development;

2) assist countries in strengthening their IP regimes and protections; and

3) ensure that other multilateral organizations – such as the World Health Organization, the World Trade Organization, and the UN Development Program – promote policies that recognize the value of IP rights for enhancing human welfare and achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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